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Les Trachtman, EE, JD, MBA

As Managing Director of Purview, Les Trachtman drives Purview’s shared mission to improve medical outcomes and access to quality medical expertise for millions of people, regardless of geography. Les is a seasoned entrepreneur, educator, and author with over four decades of experience in strategy, consulting, and start-ups. Les is also an adjunct instructor at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School, where he shares his years of experience and insights with the next generation of business leaders. He is a frequent guest lecturer at Harvard Business School, MIT and other academic institutions, as well as a board member of The Metro Group. Les is also known as the author of the Amazon bestseller "Don't F**K It Up, How Founders and Their Successors Can Avoid the Cliches that Inhibit Growth", and a blogger on founder succession and other topics. He is passionate about sailing, traveling, and challenging the status quo.

How Much Does a Cloud PACS Cost?

While on-premises PACS continue to predominate many large institutions, more and more practices are considering a cloud alternative as their current PACS nears the end of its useful life. Typically, an on-premises PACS has a maximum useful life of somewhere in the range of five to ten years. If your PACS is older than 5 years, you may need to begin considering your budget for a new PACS. When you do, you might consider a cloud-based PACS as a potential replacement.

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3 Reasons You Should Charge Your Patients for Access to Their Medical Images

Many physicians we speak with think it is heresy to charge their patients for access to their own medical images. There are a host of good reasons they use in opposing our view: They say they don't want to "nickel and dime" their patients. Or, that they are focused on satisfying their patients and that this charge is a dissatisfier. We understand why they feel that way. But, we implore them to consider changing their opinion. Here’s why…

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how to enforce hospital brand with online second opinions

How Online Second Opinions Can Help You Harness Your Hospital's Brand

Patients today are less concerned with (and less bound to) your physical location than they are of the potential impact on their health. Consumer habits are changing, and healthcare is no exception. While patients may heed the recommendation from their primary care physician for specialized or emergency care, they are likely also serving themselves by doing internet-based research.

So, what happens when your hospital is not answering their questions? And what questions are your potential patients asking? The wholesale adoption of telehealth during the COVID pandemic exposed patients to the effectiveness and convenience of remote telehealth visits expanding the potential geography of their selected provider. In this article, we will explore how you can serve the patients who are searching for your services without requiring them to travel and how you can ultimately attract more brand authority in a crowded space.

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