3 Benefits of Giving Your Patients Self-Service Access to Mammograms

A breast cancer diagnosis can be terrifying. Depending upon the recommended treatment, many patients may want to get a second opinion from another subspecialist before proceeding. This process can be burdensome for everyone involved - you, your patient and the physician providing a second opinion - thanks to the antiquated method of sharing mammograms - gathering your information by mailing CDs or sending faxes (or, even worse - mailing the film itself!)
Providing your patients with self-service access to their mammograms through an online platform has many significant benefits. Here are just a few:
1. Save Everyone a Headache: Provide easy and efficient electronic sharing of mammograms - no matter where or when they’re needed.Patient portals that use an online viewer and electronic sharing means that your patient and their team of healthcare providers can view and share critical health information almost instantaneously. No more tracking down CDs or waiting for a slow fax machine to transfer health records and images. A patient’s entire health record can be accessible from any device with a web-browser through a secure, personal login. Having this digital access can be especially helpful for patients for whom a visit back to your facility is not practical, while they are traveling or for patients who have moved away and now consult with a new physician in their new location. Their prior mammograms and medical reports can all be easily shared with another physician without any delays or the cost burden of mailing a CD or faxing paperwork.
2. Happier Patients Mean a Happier Practice: Take the opportunity to establish your organization’s reputation as the go-to for quick, painless record and image retrieval and sharing.
When a patient has a surprisingly pleasant experience, especially when her friends are experiencing a slow and painful at their providers, she will tell her friends and relatives. That word will travel quickly and you’ll soon find your patient reach is far greater than when you began. In today’s culture, we’re accustomed to digital access making our lives easier. It should - and can - be the same in healthcare.
3. Avoid Unnecessary Costs: The expenses incurred by mailing CDs and other documents can add up significantly; not only financially, but also in time and resources.
Providing digital access can save your organization money. Burning CDs is more expensive than you think, often exceeding $10.00 per disc. This doesn’t take into account the cost of mailing or overnight courier. Current US regulations allow for you to charge your patients for this cost, however many providers balk at what many perceive as “nickel and diming” their patients. With an electronic portal you can reduce that fee to one that is minimal for your patients and meets the regulatory “safe harbor” fee while providing a more advantageous service for your patients. Whether you decide to charge your patients or not, having all of your patients’ mammograms and health information available in an organized, digital platform will save your staff an incredible amount of time and labor. Often, a CD will be lost, forgotten or misplaced, and your patient may require a second copy. This can double the amount of costs and resources for the patient. Instead, with a digital platform like Patient Access, the images and reports will always be available to the patient at any time.
Ultimately, it serves your patients well to enable them to access their mammograms and share them with other physicians as necessary. In turn, this serves your organization well by providing the highest level of care, in the most efficient manner.