Spotlight: How do physicians use Telehealth during coronavirus?

Hi, my name is Kai Rivera, and I am the Project & Implementation Specialist at Purview.
Over the past month we have shared with you the free of charge services and products Purview is offering to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal is electronic Access, Collaboration and Sharing of medical records wherever necessary for any person or organization who may need it.
Now, we want to highlight a few of our existing customers who have used Purview's solutions to navigate the hurdles that COVID-19 has presented to their practice:
We are happy that Purview has brought great value globally to those on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle.
Even current customers have been using Purview's solutions to navigate the changes that COVID-19 has presented to the healthcare industry. Danielle Wilson of Diagnostic Imaging recognized the need for a medical image sharing app when social distancing changed the way patients interact with their providers. CDs were no longer feasible and created unnecessary physical contact. Diagnostic Imaging can now send images directly to their patients from the Purview Patient Access mobile app while keeping their staff and patients safe from the spread of disease.
"Diagnostic Imaging has been using Purview for the past four years. We are an outpatient imaging company that is connected to a larger health system. Purview has allowed us to expand our business by filling the gap between referring physicians and our Health systems EMR/PACS.
Purview has essentially created a miniPacs system that allows our referring physicians to have their own portals, where they can view images and reports. There are also many secondary functions. Our favorite is the ability to securely email images, eliminating the need to create CDs.
There are many hurdles in todays teleradiology field. Purview navigates them easily while always making their staff accessible and easy to work with."
Danielle Wilson
Practice Administrator
Diagnostic Imaging
Maryland, USA
In a time where many patients are not traveling frivolously, it's more important than ever to have their medical images all in one place, accessible from anywhere. Dr. Imran Fayaz has found that added value during this time while continuing to using Purview in his practice. The ability to collect past images and archive them has added immense value to Dr. Fayaz and his patient by saving time tracking down records from multiple sources.
"In my specialty, neurosurgery, imaging is the cornerstone…
We can avoid unnecessary visits, alleviate anxiety… it’s powerful. I think the telemedicine piece would not be complete without the Purview piece."Dr. Imran Fayaz
The Brain & Spine Institute of North Houston
Texas, USA
Purview is committed to supporting those on the front lines by offering these Telehealth services and solutions free of charge.
If you, or an organization you know, may be wondering what services could help them stay afloat and provide their patients essential care during coronavirus, please reach out to us at and we can help figure out whether any of our services can help.
The first service we created is free of charge Electronic Medical Image Sharing.
This service aims to minimize direct contact between patients and physicians and reduce the burden on already overwhelmed healthcare systems by sharing medical images electronically.
This may be used by patients to share studies with physicians, by physicians to share studies with patients, or even with physicians sharing studies with other physicians.
We are now also offering providers a solution to enable them to avoid burning CDs for patients.
Hospitals and imaging centers can use Patient Access to share images with patients without in-person visits, eliminating the need to burn and deliver CDs to patients. Patients can instead access images on a mobile phone app.
Finally, we are offering our core product, Purview Image, a Cloud-Based Remote Diagnosis Solution.
This product enables radiologists and sub-specialists to remotely perform medical imaging reads on images that are sent directly from their modalities to the cloud, share studies and create and share reports.
Project & Implementation Specialist